Conviction is one of the oldest raiding guilds on Khaz’Goroth, having formed in Vanilla. We aim to compete at the highest level of content the game has to offer. Our roster consists of new and old players all wanting the same end result of achieving CE every tier. Apart from raiding we love doing M+ keys and playing other games with banter on discord.
Raid Times Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30pm - 11pm Server Time
Prog Dragonflight
Vault of the Incarnates - 8/8 CE - World 680 - 34th Oce
Sepulcher of the First Ones - 11/11 CE + Hall of Fame - World 575 - 34th Oce
Sanctum of Domination - 10/10M CE - 676 World - 33rd Oce
Castle Nathria - 10/10M CE - 1560 World - 71st Oce
Ny’alotha - 12/12M CE - 1166 World - 64 Oce
Recruitment We’re currently recruiting the following classes. All exception players are still welcome to contact us. We do not recruit for the bench
Contact: Wabss#11639 Bnet or - Wabss#5064 Discord Gerbysherk#1450 Bnet or Gobby#5925 Discord
Contact: Wabss#11639 Bnet or - Wabss#5064 Discord Gerbysherk#1450 Bnet or Gobby#5925 Discord
Conviction 正在招募中!
What activities is Conviction recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Conviction?