Helms Elite is a longstanding mythic raiding guild with an active community and organized leadership. Our membership includes working professionals in their 20s/early 30s. We offer a stable (and friendly) raid environment for late CE progression.
Our roster slots are competitive, and we like to improve each tier. We especially value players with the drive to self-improve. Guild raid times and current recruitment interests are listed below, but we value players over specs.
Contact: If you're interested in joining our team, please contact a Recruiter or Officer.
BattleTags: Recruiter:
Raid Leaders:
Guild Leader:
Recruiter: Bnet: Narset, dab#11285; Guild Leader: Bnet: Rettuclos#1494, Discord: rettuclos#3035
Helms Elite 正在招募中!
團隊副本, 地城
What activities is Helms Elite recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Helms Elite?