We are a Cutting Edge raiding guild located on Stormrage-US. We created this guild in Legion and have it built from the ground up to make ourselves a high level team and a close family. We have overcome the hardships of being a new guild and have succeeded at getting CE the last four tiers. When not raiding, we strive to maintain activity through PvP, high level M+ keystones, various other games or just chat about the real world.
Main Raid: Tues/Wed/Sun 10pm-1am EST Alt Raid: Saturday 10pm EST
We ask that you post your character sheet from Raider IO, Warcraft Logs or Wowprogress on our RECRUITMENT discord channel.
Our recruitment is always open for exceptional players, but we are currently looking for the following classes:
Class | Priority |
Priest (Holy/Disc) | Medium |
Druid (Resto) | Medium |
Monk (Mistweaver) | Medium |
Paladin (Holy) | Medium |
Paladin (Ret) | Low |
Maintaining a raid ready alt is encouraged
9/9M AtDH - 9/9M AtSC - 8/8M VoTI
31/31M Fated Raids - 11/11M SotFO - 10/10M SoD – 10/10M Castle Nathria
12/12M Ny’alotha – 8/8M EP – 9/9M BDA – 7/8M Uldir
10/11M Antorus – 5/9M ToS – 5/10M NH – 3/3H ToV – 4/7M EN
We achieved Cutting Edge last expansion and each tier since!! We hope those joining us have that same mind-set in our progression in future tiers and expansions!
Join our recruitment discord discord.gg/GPOGuild Or add Val#1862, Desto#11250, Mothraz#2316
Contact information hasn't been set
This data is based on Gray Parses Only's recent reports.
Gray Parses Only 正在招募中!
團隊副本, 地城
What activities is Gray Parses Only recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Gray Parses Only?