RECRUITING FOR CORE SPOTS. We currently have a very high priority on DPS but we encourage you to apply as any role. All positions will be considered.
Raid times: We do not see our raid times as flexible and never add days or hours to our normal schedule
Thur 7:30pm - 11pm
Sun 7:30pm - 11pm
Mon 7:30pm - 11pm
Apply at: ; have recent Mythic logs ready. We are open to rerolls in some cases
Any questions; feel free to contact us:
Straxo - Btag: Straxo#1368 Discord: Straxo
Slaugh - Btag: Slaugh#6991 Discord: Slaugh
Btag: Straxo#1368 Btag: Slaugh#6991
This data is based on Scuffed's recent reports.
Scuffed 正在招募中!
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