We are a guild that focuses primarily on Heroic Raiding and Mythic+ Dungeoning. Our Main goal as a guild is to get people the "Ahead of the Curve (AOTC)" achievement for clearing Heroic. This isn't just a 'free carry' because we expect people to put in the effort - but we are always willing to help people with their goals.
We make sure people have the tools they need to be successful. We require that players are listening in discord during raids. This means we make sure that everyone knows the encounter before the pull, and so we do active callouts as required by the fight. As Raid Leader, my goal is to make sure Raiding is fun.
For our "Open" Raid nights anyone is welcome to participate in raid, including non-guilded friends or people who want to 'test drive' our guild. We do sometimes have to ask people to step out of raid, but only if we are stuck. We also do not have an attendance requirement, and we have a drop-in-drop-out policy where people are welcome to join and leave through the night without any issues. For Progression Raid, we have a higher bar of commitment.
We also actively do M+ keys as a guild. With many of our Officers and Senior Members willing to help people build up that M+ knowledge and confidence. In addition to ATOC we also help ensure people succeed in their M+ goals like Keystone Master Achievement, or unlocking the portals for timing +10.
Our name 'Grey Parses' is a tongue-in-cheek reference to our values. We aren't the BEST guild on the server, at least when measured using the more gamified data like DPS Parses, Server First, or RaiderIO. But we get the job done, and take pride in who we are - and know who we are not.
We are a guild of 'After-dinner Dragon Slayers' and 'Weekend Warriors'. Collectively our most active times are in the afternoon and evenings (EST & Dalaran Time). We are a diverse group, with a laid-back attitude and demeanor. We pride ourselves in being inclusive and accommodating.
Our Officer Leadership team is as diverse as the rest of the guild. Our different perspectives on life and the game is a major strength for our guild (and somewhat rare in the overall gaming landscape).
We have been raiding consistently from the Legion Era, through BFA, SL, and all of Dragon Flight. Though faces change over the years, we tend to have people join the guild and stay for a long stretch. Every season we consistently get anyone who wanted it the ATOC title, as well as taken stabs at the first handful of Mythic bosses.
Over our long history, we've had several guild names: Pantheons's Legion, Grey Parse, Big Spoon Saloon, and now Grey Parses
The 'Tyrant' moniker is a bit of a sarcastic one. As a Leader, I am very easy to talk to, and want to make sure everyone feels heard and understood. I welcome and encourage feedback, and rely on my officers to help make decisions.
I've been playing the game since classic, I took over Raid Leading for the guild mid BFA; and eventually became Guild Master just before Shadowlands. I've certainly learned a lot through my tenure as RL and GM. I genuinely enjoy being at the helm of the guild, and that shows in my leadership style.
Feel free to contact or any of the officers in Game. The easiest way to get our attention is to sign up through the In Game Guild Finder. You can also contact me through my BattleTag at Harlequin#1309.
topher_. or harlequin4941 on Discord
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