Peon Rebellion is a light hearted, friendly guild that enjoys pushing ourselves in raid and Mythic+ in a fun environment.
The main group from Peon Rebellion have been raiding together since Ny'alotha(Under a different name until Nathria) and are currently 10/10 HC Vault. We also push higher keys in m+. We're both progression minded and great friends who play together, both wow and other games!
Currently looking for more people for our raiding team and mythic+.
GM: Swizzy
Raid Leader: Swizzy (Swizzman#21340 on Bnet)
Whisper any leader or officer if you are interested in joining and becoming a peon! The Rebellion is not at an end!
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Peon Rebellion 正在招募中!
團隊副本, 地城
What activities is Peon Rebellion recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Peon Rebellion?