Pool Noodle Pirates is a progression-oriented raiding guild on Area 52 comprised of experienced Cutting Edge raiders that pride ourselves on completing every tier with a goal of improving ourselves week over week. One of our greatest strengths is the tenacity the core of our roster has and how willing everyone else is to work together in pursuit of defeating any obstacle in front of us. We’re committed to providing a raid environment that is fun, productive, and a place where people can feel heard. We’re powered by communication and rely on honest dialogue to create a guild that everyone can enjoy and thrive in.
For Season 2, we are going to aim for HoF.
We review all exceptional applications for any class or role.
Raid Times
Apply! https://tinyurl.com/PoolNoodleApp
Contact any leader within Pool Noodle Pirates via Discord for any questions or comments:
Sales runs are only conducted by people within the guild on Area 52. We are not partnered with any third party communities or boosting websites. Please add Asher to confirm identities before giving gold to anyone for carries.
GM's Discord - shiroechi
This data is based on Pool Noodle Pirates's recent reports.
Pool Noodle Pirates 正在招募中!
團隊副本, 地城, PvP
What activities is Pool Noodle Pirates recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Pool Noodle Pirates?