Guild & Server: Part Time Heroes - Team Immortality | Horde | US-Hyjal
Raid Times/Days: Thursday/Monday | 8PM PST - 11PM PST
Team Immortality - Semi-Hardcore Mythic Raiding with the end goal of Cutting Edge. We believe that Community comes before Progression. We are focused on building a strong and positive roster, that can clear content at various difficulty levels, while still managing to have a great time playing together! By constantly striving for this goal, we’ve been able build a thriving player base that is competitive and successful at various aspects of the game, including Mythic Raiding, high level Mythic+ Dungeons, and Rated PVP – while still fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all of our guildies!
Contact Guerrer (Discord:Guerrie) for additional information!
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This data is based on Team Immortality - PTH's recent reports.
Team Immortality - PTH 目前並非處於招募狀態
團隊副本, 地城
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