About Unity:
We are a 2-day a week semi-hardcore guild on Silvermoon-EU. We are looking for enthusiastic individuals to expand our roster. We are friendly and supportive looking to raid heroic and mythic besides enjoying the game. We also welcome Socials and M+ players.
Our History
We started at the beginning of season 3 and have been slowly expanding our group to try and improve the raid experience for everyone, we got an experienced raid leader who has run various guild teams in the past. Atm, we are building up a roster for Mythic raiding and M+ teams in the guild.
Spots that are available:
We have open spots for DPS in our raid team!
Socials and M+ players are welcome!
Raid Days
Sunday 20:00 - 22:00 Tuesday 20:00 - 22:00
Our Expectations:
-Show up on time -Respect the team and raid leader -Have the knowledge of your class -Be willing to be a student of the game, learn from your mistakes, and work to improve -Enjoy raiding with us for 4 hours a week :)
Thank you.
Contact us on Discord Oxva#1008
Unity 目前並非處於招募狀態
團隊副本, 地城
What activities is Unity recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Unity?