Skate Better was founded at the end of Shadowlands with the goal of achieving CE on a relaxed 2-day schedule. We pride ourselves in maintaining a healthy blend of a fun and focused atmosphere, allowing us to compete with guilds that raid more often while avoiding the burnout that comes with a larger schedule.
Raids are Wednesday and Thursdays, 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM Eastern Time, with (optionally) the first three Sundays added each tier, after which that time will be used for alt heroic/mythic runs. Given the relatively short weekly schedule near 100% attendance/availability is required.
The team spends a lot of time doing M+ weekly/push keys, leveling & gearing alts, and playing games outside of retail. We place a strong emphasis on recruiting to maintain the community we've built.
If you're looking for a guild that will achieve CE each tier without requiring a daunting raid schedule, we encourage you to reach out via discord to either bfdavis (GM) or Arklos (Raid Lead) OR apply here: Looking forward to hearing from you!
Contacts - Discord: bfdavis
This data is based on Skate Better's recent reports.
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