We raid 2 days/week, and always achieve AOTC. Our guild is full of friendly, helpful veterans who are always there to encourage and mentor new or old players alike.
Server Cluster: Aegwynn, Bonechewer, Gurubashi, Hakkar, Daggerspine, Garrosh
Raid Schedule
Tuesday & Thursday at 7:00pm - 10:30pm EST
We are currently recruiting for Heroic prog.
If interested, please message send a discord message to 1004marie.
Raid Expectations
NP: Realm 9th
AtDH: Realm 11th
AtSC: Realm 5th
VotI: Realm 10th
Please feel free to apply even if your class isn't listed above!! We are always looking to expand our community and grow together as a guild.
We hope to hear from you! :)
Pïnky-Aegwynn, Maryjaiyne-Bonechewer, or send a discord message to Pinky/Marie#8332 on Discord!
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