Wednesday & Thursday @ 5:30pm Pacific Time / 7:30pm Central Time / 8:30pm Eastern Time.
Duration: 3 hours
Monday @ 5:30pm Pacific Time / 7:30pm Central Time / 8:30pm Eastern Time.
Duration: 2.5 hours
TWW: Season 1 - 6/8 M
Current Progression:
TWW: Season 2 - 8/8H ; 1/8 M
We are recruiting!
The Mythic Raid Team has limited spots and competition for a position is high. We seek players who have consistent attendance, strong class knowledge, properly gearing outside of raid, and can execute mechanics effectively. The ability to accept constructive criticism and actively work on improvement is essential. As a midcore/hardcore team, our primary focus is striving for Cutting Edge (CE).
The AOTC/Casual Raid is open to players of all skill levels, including newcomers and those looking for a relaxed experience. Whether you're bringing your main or an alt, this is a laid-back environment where you can enjoy WoW with the guild without the stress of progression. It’s all about having fun and playing together at your own pace!
For recruitment please contact:
Discord: jkstone / miutsuki / kelvaar / superr.17
Bnet: damaanjak#1967 / Miutsuki #1240 / Kelvaar#1632 / Doomhands#11720
In-Game: Jkstone-Destromath / Miutsuki-Destromath / Venjuu-Destromath / Superace-Thunderlord
Sunday @ 5:00 pm Pacific Time / 7:00pm Central Time / 8:00pm Eastern Time
Actively recruiting for RBGs.
For recruitment please contact:
Discord: allegrata ; In-Game: Allegrata-Destromath
Saturday Evenings
Recruiting Tanks/Healers/DPS for high and casual keys!
We’re always running Mythic+ keys and welcoming more players to join! Whether you're a high-level key pusher or a more casual player, there’s a spot for you. Every Saturday night, we dedicate time to help the guild fill their vaults with Mythic+ runs. All skill levels are welcome!
For recruitment please contact:
Discord: jkstone ; In-Game: damaanjak#1967 ; Bnet: Jkstone-Destromath
We love running different types of events, specially in between seasons.
...and many more!
Chill gaming community with something for everyone. Do none of that and just looking to kick it and meet new people? Sign up!
For general recruitment please contact:
Discord: jkstone / miutsuki /rufus33
Bnet: damaanjak#1967 / Miutsuki #1240 / RufusTitus#1269
In-Game: Jkstone-Destromath / Miutsuki-Destromath / Rufustitus-Azshara
(18+ Guild)
Discord: jkstone / miutsuki ; Bnet: damaanjak#1967 / Miutsuki #1240 ; In-Game: Jkstone-Destromath / Miutsuki-Destromath
Healer Mechanic 正在招募中!
團隊副本, PvP, 社交, 地城
What activities is Healer Mechanic recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Healer Mechanic?